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Now in 2 convenient locations - book your Skin Health Check instantly now!
Suite 2A, 66 High Street, Randwick, NSW
Ground Floor, Suite 5a, 35 Spring Street, Bondi Junction, NSW
Tel: 1300 610 009
No referral neededDermScreen is committed to making skin checks readily available, quick, and easy. Thus, a visit to your doctor for a referral isn't required but results will be communicated to your nominated doctor to ensure continuity of care.
Why is a private fee involved to secure my skin health for the future?Your skin health visit includes 1) thorough examination by skilled melanographers 2) skin cancer risk assessment 3) detailed review by specialist dermatologist 4) storage of images for future reference and comparison for potential changing lesions 5) referral supplied if further treatment required
Safe in pregnancy and breastfeedingOur technology is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, however due to the changes affecting the entire skin surface, the skin is best examined later or in person with our Dermatologists.
Should I check my skin?With the critical role early detection plays in skin health, Skin Health Checks are recommended for anyone who has concerns about specific moles or lesions. This advice stands particularly for those with a personal or family history of melanoma, or who have dysplastic or atypical moles, such as large, irregularly sized or shaped, or multiple moles. Also, if you've experienced past or ongoing sun exposure, whether personal or work-related, a Skin Health Check is highly encouraged.
Our Skin Check detects...Our Skin Check is comprehensive, offering detection for a variety of skin conditions including: Possible skin cancers Skin infections Skin rashes Indications of skin aging Alterations in skin coloration or pigmentation Certain types of hair loss
Practitioner imaging request formWhile patients can access a Skin Health Check without a formal request, if preferred, practitioners can work with their patients to identify areas of concern prior to their DermScreen appointment by downloading and completing this request form on behalf of their patients.
Claimable with some Health FundsWhile Medicare rebates aren't available for our service, several private health funds may still offer you a rebate. These funds include: AHM CBHS Corporate Health Transport Health Pty Ltd GMHBA Limited Grand United Health (GU Health) Health Care Insurance Limited (HCI) Health Partners Mildura Health Fund MyOwn Health (MO Health) Onemedifund (National Health Benefits Australia) PeopleCare Health Insurance Phoenix Health Fund Limited Queensland Country Health Fund St. Lukes Health Frank Health Insurance Commonwealth Bank AIA Teachers Health It's advisable to check with your particular health fund to verify whether they will cover this expense.
Report on your Skin Health by DermatologistsYour body images will be carefully reviewed by one of DermScreen’s specialist dermatologists through our secure platform. This review will result in a comprehensive report for you and your nominated General Practitioner (GP), specifying any suspicious lesions that may require further examination and treatment. The report will also assess your future risk of skin cancer and mention any incidental skin findings, such as rashes, that could necessitate a conversation with your health professional or Dermatologist. Taking into account your skin cancer history, background, occupational sun exposure, and lifetime risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, your DermScreen Dermatologist will prescribe the suitable frequency for future skin checks.
How long with the procedure take?There are a number of standardised positions where you will be required to stand still for up to 30 seconds each. The appointment usually takes 15 minutes from start to finish. More time will be required if close up photographs are taken.
On the day of your appointment...You will be asked to undress down to underwear and remove jewelry and glasses. A gown will be offered whilst you wait for the Melanographer to arrive. The melanographer will take photographs in standardised positions and any spots that they or you feel warrant a closer inspection. The melanographer will also examine areas that are difficult to photograph (such as the scalp, ears, toes and soles) Bright flashes occur to ensure the most optimal lighting for photos A standard appointment, usually takes 15 minutes, however, if more time is required than a second appointment may be scheduled for you" this statment is duplicated, although important as it allows us to schedule a second appointment if more moles are required to be photographed.
To prepare for your appointment...We kindly request no makeup, nail polish or fake tan to be worn during your appointment No laser hair removal to be done within 4 weeks of your visit Think about what underwear you wish to wear during your appointment and any areas or spots under the area to be imaged specifically Hair to be tied back to ensure face and ears are clearly visible Shaving of appropriate body hair and/or beard will ensure the most optimal results Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to ensure your details are correct No sunburn for 48 hours in the appointment
Will I see a Dermatologist?Your images reviewed by our Dermatologists via a secure platform and report provided to you. Our Dermatologists are Fellows of the Australasian College of Dermatologists (FACD), the only peak training and professional body for skin specialists in Australia.
After your appointmentImages are securely transmitted to DermScreen dermatologists and a report will be made available to you and your doctor within 48-72 hours Follow up recommendations and opinion for a biopsy may occur Follow up recommendations and opinion for a biopsy may occur for one or more lesions You may be contacted for further imaging or information to assist our dermatologist to provide the best possible advice and management in the report.
See illustration below on how to read your report.
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